Wednesday Writing Wrap-up: Progress

A short post today that will mostly be cat pictures.

I had a great week for writing. Knew night I wrote over 1000 words in less than an hour. My cat made it even harder by laying across my arm while I was typing.

I am also now at chapter 22 out of 27 of editing so far. I had a chunk of time while I was riding a train and edited for 3.5 hours straight. I’m getting there.

I came across this amusing note after one scene: “Future Alex, good luck with this. Hopefully rewrites help you connect this to the rest of the story better.” So helpful past me. So helpful.

6 thoughts on “Wednesday Writing Wrap-up: Progress

    • Luckily, my kitties leave nice large lumps so I don’t accidentally squish them. It gets difficult when they want to be under the covers AND under your knees. Can’t get out well.


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